Chairman – Shri Sudhir Chowdhary, IPS


Shri Sudhir ChowdharyShri Sudhir Chowdhary, graduated in Mechanical Engineering from DCE, Kashmere Gate in 1980. He went on to do his Masters in Management from IIM, Ahmedabad the same year and after drifting for sometime in the private and public sectors, gaining some valuable experience during those years, finally joined the IPS in 1988 and was allotted the Haryana Cadre.

He had an opportunity to work in almost all wings of the Police Department including a deputation stint with the NHRC, New Delhi. He was awarded the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Services (2016) and Police Medal for Meritorious Services (2007). He retired as DGP in 2018, and is settled in Gurgaon. He is keenly interested in sharing knowledge and experience with University students and trainees of Police Departments.