minutes of general body meeting held on 28th january, 2017 at convention hall, the ashok, new delhi
The General Body Meeting (GBM) and Alumni Meet of “Alumni Association, Delhi College of Engineering”, a registered society of graduates of Delhi College of Engineering (now Delhi Technological University), was held on 28th January, 2017 at Convention Center, The Ashok, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi from 5:30 PM onwards. The notice for GBM and Alumni Meet was published in Times of India on 14th January, 2017 and was also posted on the Association’s website www.piswamp/DtuDceFraternityForum and social media viz. Linkedin and Facebook groups etc. The agenda of the GBM was also posted on the Association’s website. A set comprising of agenda, audited accounts of the Association for the financial year 2015-16, important clauses of rules and regulations as enshrined in the Memorandum of Association and the proposed resolutions were distributed among the members.
As scheduled, the GBM was convened at 5:30 PM. The GBM was chaired by Shri S.N.Sharma, an alumnus of 1966 batch of Delhi College of Engineering and founder member of the Association. However, due to lack of quorum, it was adjourned for half an hour. The GBM was reconvened at 6:00 PM The Hony. General Secretary of the Association, Shri N.K.Sharma, presented the annual report and apprised the alumni of the recent developments in the Association. The GBM, adopted and approved accounts for the financial year 2015-16 and passed a resolution to change the name of the Association from “Alumni Association, Delhi College of Engineering” to “DTU-DCE Alumni Association” to reflect the current name of the institution. Also, as the election of the “Governing Body” of the Association was due, the same was held as per the Memorandum of Association. Shri, N.K.Sharma proposed the name of Shri O.P.Gupta, an alumnus of 1972 batch as the Returning Officer for conducting the elections. The same was unanimously approved by the General Body. Eleven valid nominations were received against fifteen vacancies and therefore, all the eleven candidates were declared elected unopposed. The elected Governing Body members then held a meeting and elected Shri Praveen Bhargava (1979 batch), as President of the Association, Shri R.N.Jindal (1981) batch as Vice-President, Shri N.K.Sharma (1985 batch) as General Secretary, Shri Shiv Kr. Bhardwaj as Tresurer and Shri Rakesh Kohli as Joint Secretary. The list of the elected Governing Body members is available on the website under the heading “Governing Body”.
The GBM was followed by “Hasya Kavi Sammelan” and formal function. The photographs of the function are available under “Photo Gallery” on the website.